Webinar: Street Change: Generating Revenue, Revitalizing Downtowns, and Recovering from a Pandemic

AugAugust 26 2021

9:00am - 10:00am


A look at measuring revenue for your community with outdoor guest service seating on sidewalks or parking spaces. Presented by Maggie Kavan, Co-Founder of MODSTREET.

Thursday, August 26, 2021
9am PT / 10am MT / 11am CT / 12pm ET

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MODSTREET was created to help businesses survive and communities to thrive. We have designed a state-of-the-art solution for restaurants, breweries, retailers and communities, to offer guest service seating on sidewalks and in parking spaces, during and beyond this pandemic. Our parklets, enclosures and barricades are made of raw steel making them safe for your patrons. All our products are also easily assembled with our revolutionary modular system, no construction, means no downtime for your business or community, so you can rebound and flourish. Expand your business or community outdoors with safety, style and ease with MODSTREET…rebuilding America’s downtowns.

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