Webinar: Shhh! The Page-Turning Secret of How Libraries Can Read Their Community’s Needs

NovNovember 18 2020

10:00am - 11:00am

k kietzman

Learn how libraries can still be responsive and communicate during pandemic-related closures or restrictions.

From storytime for children, textbooks for students, and help for job seekers, libraries are a crucial resource for the community. This is even more true during the COVID-19 pandemic when free services are a lifeline for many. But how do libraries keep in touch with their unique communities during this time?

Join Polco for a webinar to discover how one library used surveys to gather feedback on long term plans, future library services, and what changes residents want.

Register now for “Connecting Residents to Your Library in Changing Times,” a live webinar on Nov. 18 at Noon CT.  You’ll hear Kim Kietzman from Altoona Public Library talk about data collection, response from residents, and planning for the future.

Register now

Can’t make the date? No worries. We’ll email everyone who registers a webinar recording with show notes.

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