Webinar: The Practice of Partnership: Arts + Public Health

AprApril 21 2020

COVID Arts Image

Tuesday, April 21 from 2-3:00pm EST


Presented by Michael Rohd, Center for Performance and Civic Practice

Recent events call for ongoing and new partnerships between public health workers, educators, and artists/culture makers. What work can we do to ensure those collaborations are equitable, productive and successful? In our time together, we will explore, share and engage around:

  • Collaboration- questions you can use when starting partnerships to ground them in a shared language, values and goals; and
  • Public engagement- a framework for considering, as partners, how you will listen to residents and stakeholders, and how you will, throughout your process, communicate and make decisions around accountability.

This session will include presentation, Q&A and problem-solving that will help you use the arts to skillfully support your community during this time.

Presenter Bio: Michael Rohd is a theatremaker, educator, facilitator and process designer. He is Artistic Director of 20 year-old Sojourn Theatre, Lead Artist for Civic Imagination at Center for Performance and Civic Practice, and an Institute Professor at Arizona State University’s Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts. His book “Theater for Community, Conflict and Dialogue” has been translated into 7 languages and is in it’s16th printing.

Please use this link to register for the session.

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