I Love BBQ: Seth Hoffman, Lone Tree, CO

Posted on September 6, 2016

No one likes to attend an event when they don’t know anyone else attending, so ELGL is publishing daily “I Love BBQ” profiles of our registered attendees to give you a sneak peek and preview of your fellow local government BBQ aficionados. 

Link: Register for ELGL at #ICMA16: BBQ Mixer

Seth Hoffman


City Manager, City of Lone Tree, CO

LinkedIn | Twitter

When I think of Kansas City, I think about…

The 1985, 2014 and 2015 World Series – and the 1988 Final Four. Rock Chalk!

The biggest issue facing local government is…

  • We have more than 100 places to eat, and no KC BBQ.
  • Harnessing the potential of an enormous transit-oriented-development opportunity to become a world-class community for residents and businesses.

My pro tip for getting the most out of professional conferences…

Go to all the sessions you can, network, and see the host city. There is time for all three.

If I had to create a presidential ticket with my top two mentors, I’d select…

John Nalbandian. I’m pretty sure he could do both jobs and save the taxpayers a few bucks.

Want to learn even more about event attendees? Follow our Twitter list for this event!

Kansas City

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