Mentor. Student. Star.
Who will you give the #GiftofELGL? For me, it’s a joy to spread some ELGL cheer to these three amazing women.
Mentor: Amy Walbridge
I first met Amy when we were both working on neighborhood based community development projects in the city of Dayton. Amy is a spark. A catalyst. A dreamer. And the ultimate doer. Amy has been the behind the scenes champion for some exciting reinvestment in downtown Dayton, but she will never take the credit. She’s been my mentor and someone who deeply inspires me for nearly 2 decades. She will be an amazing addition to the ELGL family – particularly because she is an expert in urban renewal and no one loves her city of Dayton more than Amy.
Student: Catherine Sulecki
Catherine is a student at the University of Dayton earning her MPA degree. She also serves as GA for the Political Science Department and come January will join the City of Kettering City Manager’s Office as a Management Intern. Catherine has impressive experience working in legislative affairs and government relations. From the moment I first met Catherine I could sense her passion for public administration and a contagious energy. I look forward to working with Catherine in 2018 and I’m certain that ELGL will be a value to her as she begins her search for her career home.
Star: Shelby Quinlivan
Star is the perfect way to describe Shelby. Bright. Brilliant. Bold. Shelby is a marketing and PR guru who spent the first part of her career in the private and non-profit sector. She is well known in the Dayton region for her leadership and creative approach to representing brands. She recently joined the City of Middletown as Communications Coordinator. Shelby is an absolute steal from the private sector and I just gotta cheer when #localgov gets someone like her to join our ranks. Trust me when I say that in no time at all Shelby will be deep in the ELGL mix, tweeting perfect GIFs and dishing out PR advice. She’s one of us and I can barely contain my excitement. Kittleson, go ahead and book her now for GovLove. OhioELGL folks – keep an eye on a brand new Middletown.