For the second year in a row, ELGL will be co-hosting an event at the ICMA Conference. This year we’re bringing a couple of pianos and booking a much larger room. More than 500 local government professionals from all areas of local government will attend. Registration will continue until we reach maximum capacity. We recommend registering as soon as possible. Let’s get prepared for the ELGL and ICMA “Mixing in Perfect Harmony” event by hearing from our guests.
Heather Geyer
If you could pick any three bands (dead or alive) as the opening act for the Dueling Pianos event, which would you choose?
- Kelly Clarkson
- Maroon 5
- Garth Brooks
When I learned the ICMA Conference was being held in Seattle, I thought…….Yay, the home of Starbucks!
I knew local government was the career for me when…..When I interned for the City of Greenwood Village my senior year at the University of Denver. It’s been life changing ever since!
Our #13Percent Initiative focuses on increasing diversity in the local government workforce. Give us your perspective — does local government have an issue?
Yes, there is an issue. I think it will take a generation or two to really create change in the area of advancing the role of women in government. This issue starts with individuals being raised to accept and support differences in individuals. If we raise our children to not value differences or to believe that a woman’s place is only in the home then we get what we ask for. The same is true for race and gender in general. We need to focus on the talents of individuals and recognize how differences can add value to organizations and society as a whole.
The Seahawks lost the Super Bowl by passing instead of running from the 1-yard line. Give us your best tip(s) for rebounding from difficult situations.
I am a Denver Bronco fan I don’t give tips for the Seahawks!