Podcast: Mayors & Local Political Violence with Heidi Gerbracht & Sue Thomas

Posted on May 13, 2022

local political violence 2 - GovLove
Heidi Gerbracht Sue Thomas
Heidi Gerbracht
Founder, Equity Agenda
Co-Founder, Women Mayors Network
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Sue Thomas
Senior Research Scientist
Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation
LinkedIn | Twitter | Bio

An assault on local democracy. Two guests joined the podcast to talk about a new report on political violence toward mayors. Heidi Gerbracht is the Founder of the Equity Agenda and Sue Thomas is a Senior Research Scientist at the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation. The report founds that political violence against mayors is common and more prevalent for women mayors and mayors of color.

Host: Kirsten Wyatt

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Learn More

Report Brief: Intersectional Psychological Violence, Threats, and Physical Violence
against Mayors in 2021 (Full Report)

An Assault on Local Democracy

Women Mayors Network

The Equity Agenda Website

Join us: May is for Mayor Safety

Female mayors, mayors of color report higher rates of political violence, study finds

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