Nate Baker At-Large Council Member City of Durham, NC LinkedIn | Bio |
Lauren Grove Vision Zero Coordinator City of Durham, NC |
Two guests from the joined the podcast to discuss transportation standards and how they shape the built environment. Nate Baker is an At-Large City Council Member for the City of Durham, North Carolina and Lauren Grove is the Vision Zero Coordinator for the City of Durham, North Carolina. Nate shared why a change was needed and building support for the resolution that Durham City Council adopted. Lauren talked about implementing the new standards including working with other departments in the City. They also discussed the impact of the new standards, the role of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), and how to work with other agencies to design right-of-way within your city that you do not control.
Host: Ben Kittelson
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Learn More
Durham Adopts New Design Standards for Transportation Infrastructure
NACTO Urban Street Design Guide
NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide
ITE Implementing Context Sensitive Design Handbook
National Association of City Transportation Officials
Durham City Council adopts new street and bikeway infrastructure design guides