
Podcast: Social Media 2.0 with Cathedral City, CA and CiviSocial

Ryan Hunt Communications & Events Manager City of Cathedral City, CA LinkedIn Sam Toles Founder & CEO CiviSocial LinkedIn Anne Ambrose  Assistant City Manager City of Cathedral City, CA LinkedIn Three guests joined the podcast to discuss a new approach to managing and creating social media. Sam Toles is the Founder and CEO at CiviSocial. … Continued

Podcast: All About the Inspector General with Deborah Witzburg, Chicago, IL

Deborah Witzburg Inspector General City of Chicago, IL LinkedIn Deborah Witzburg, the Inspector General for the City of Chicago, Illinois, joined to the podcast to discuss her current role. She shared the difference between an inspector general and auditor, how she determines which programs of the City to evaluate, and important changes she has implemented … Continued

Podcast: Civic User Research with Ryan Kurtzman and Gati Wankyo, Long Beach, CA

Ryan Kurtzman Technology Partnerships Officer City of Long Beach, CA LinkedIn Gati Wankyo Training Coordinator City of Long Beach, CA LinkedIn Two guests from the City of Long Beach, California joined the podcast to discuss civic user research. Ryan Kurtzman is the Technology Partnerships Officer and Gati Wankyo is a Training Coordinator. They discussed how … Continued

Podcast: ICMA Governance Review with Andy Pederson, Bayside, WI

Andy Pederson Village Manager Village of Bayside, WI LinkedIn Andy Pederson, the Village Manager for the Village of Bayside, Wisconsin joined the podcast to discuss his work on the ICMA Governance Task Force. He shared why the Task Force was formed, the need to rebalance the regions, and how the Code of Ethics influenced the … Continued

Podcast: Innovation Officer to City Manager with Dan Hoffman, Winchester, VA

Dan Hoffman City Manager City of Winchester, VA LinkedIn Dan Hoffman the City Manager for the City of Winchester, Virginia joined the podcast to discuss his career path of Innovation Officer to the role of City Manager. He shared how changing jobs allowed him to implement projects at scale and how innovation principles have prepared … Continued

Podcast: Deepening the Understanding of Cities with Allison Laskey, Nature Cities

Allison Laskey Associate Editor Nature Cities LinkedIn Allison Laskey, Associate Editor for Nature Cities joined the podcast to discuss her academic journal, Nature Cities. The journal aims to deepen and integrate basic and applied understanding of the nature of cities, including their roles, impacts and influences — past, present and future. She shared what is … Continued

Podcast: Distinguished Service with Tony Gardner, Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations

Tony Gardner Senior Vice President Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations LinkedIn Tony Gardner, Senior Vice President for the Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations joined the podcast to discuss his ICMA Distinguished Service Award. He shared his work aboard in Poland, innovations in local government, and provided advice to the next generation. This episode was recorded … Continued

Podcast: Across the Generations with Sam Badger and Decker Ploehn

Sam Badger City Manager’s Office Marvin Andrews Fellow City of Scottsdale, AZ LinkedIn Decker Ploehn City Administrator City of Bettendorf, IA LinkedIn Two guests joined the podcast to share their generational perspective on local government. Sam Badger is the City Manager’s Office Marvin Andrews Fellow at City of Scottsdale, Arizona and Decker Ploehn is the … Continued

Podcast: An Actionable and Transformative Comprehensive Plan in North Chicago, IL

Taylor Wegrzyn Director of Economic and Community Development City of North Chicago, IL LinkedIn Siraj Asfahani Vice President The Lakota Group LinkedIn Taylor Wegrzyn, Director of Economic and Community Development at the City of North Chicago, Illinois and Siraj Asfahani, Vice President at The Lakota Group joined to podcast to discuss the City of North … Continued

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