#ELGLPopUps land in Charlotte, Dallas, Portland, and Kansas City on September 22. Each event has a school theme which you’ll notice in the agendas. Staying with that theme, we introduce you to those who will be attending a Pop Up event.
You can register for one of the events here.
Name: Mike Ekey
Job Title: Communications Director
Organization: City of Raymore, Missouri
Connect: LinkedIn and Twitter
GovLove: Podcast: Local Government Website Do’s and Don’ts
Rank the Pop Up cities (Charlotte, Dallas, Kansas City, Portland):
- Kansas City
- Kansas City
- Kansas City
- Kansas City
Of the schools that you attended, which four schools were the most fun?
- Mizzou (undergrad)
- Park University (grad)
- The School of Rock
- The Electoral College
(True or False) I received a perfect attendance award.
Hahahahahahahah, No.
In high school, what did you think you would do for a living?
In HS, I was confident I would be taking over the FBI’s X-Files from Fox Mulder.
What was your favorite childhood toy?
Got my first home computer in the third grade (Apple IIe) and was hooked on tech toys ever since.
(True or False) I attended a school where the mascot was a bulldog or wildcat.
True. William Southern Elementary Bulldogs.
(Complete the sentence) Instead of doing homework, I would sometimes….
…spend way too much time building GeoCities websites.
What songs would be on your high school mix tape?
Anything Green Day or Reel Big Fish (you know, the classics)
(Complete the sentence) My favorite lunch box was….
Ghostbusters, bright red, featuring Ecto I.
What question(s) should we have asked?
Did you win any major awards?
Second Place, Mr. Patriot (High School Male Beauty Pageant).
- Alice McMillan
- Erin Schwie Langston
- Madison Thesing, City of Hillsboro, OR
- Patrice Toney, City of Winston-Salem, NC
- Erica Page, City of Grand Prairie, TX
- Scott Lazenby, City of Lake Oswego, OR
- Justyn Miller, City of Warrenville, IL
- Phil Smith-Hanes, Ellis County, KS
- Sam Anselm, City of Joplin, Missouri
- Leana Johnson, City of White Salmon, WA
- Michelle Wood, City of Belmont, NC
- Abby Owens, City of Plano, Texas
- Alicia Dorsey, City of University Park, Texas
- Leslie Herring, City of Eudora, Kansas
- Jaimie Lorenzini, City of Happy Valley, OR
- Justin Amos, City of Charlotte, NC
- Sherilyn Lombos, City of Tualatin, OR
- Brianna Lennon
- Chief Rob Severance, City of Cleburne, TX
- Travis Newberry, City of Wildwood, Missouri
- Ted Chinn, City of Mesquite, Texas
- Brandi Leos, City of Tigard, Oregon
- Christina Fadenrecht, City of Milwaukie, Oregon
- Mark Van Baale, City of Kansas City, Missouri
- Gina Shell, City of Charlotte, NC
- Kylie Bayer-Fertterer, THPRD
- Lauren Panameno, Local Government Federal Credit Union
- Imelda Speck, City of Lancaster, Texas
- Sophie Banner, City of Vancouver, WA
- Katy Crow, City of Lenexa, KS