February 6 is ELGL’s National Day of Supper Clubbing.
It’s one day when ELGL members around the world will host Supper Clubs to get together for an evening of camaraderie with fellow local gov nerds.
(Of course, Supper Clubs can happen all year long… this is just one night when the weather seems especially tedious that a night out with local gov buds makes sense).
Participation is easy – here’s how it works:
- Sign up to host (we’re aiming for one Supper Club per state minimum – but can easily accommodate more Supper Clubs if there’s interest in multiple cities, especially in big states) and we’ll put you in touch with our central organizing team and set up an RSVP link for your Supper Club. We’ll also send you ELGL swag to share at your Supper Club! Hosts get to pick the location and the time for the Supper Club, so if you have strong opinions – sign up to host!
- Once we have locations, we’ll array them on this page for you to RSVP.
This entire event gets started with a host so if your state/region isn’t represented yet, sign up today so you can enjoy an ELGL Supper Club!
If your state/city is already represented, then you can RSVP for your NDOSC (National Day of Supper Clubbing) online here.