Tag: Alex McIntyre

Life as a City Manager’s Child with Alex McIntyre

This is the latest post in a new series about growing up with a parent who is also a City Manager. We will interview a current local government professional who followed their mother or father’s footsteps into public service. You can check out past installments here: Growing Up in City Hall. Today, we hear from Alex … Continued

Updated: Knope of the Week: Anthony Hooper, City of Lake Oswego

American City & County Magazine Highlights Knope of the Week What is the Knope of the Week? It’s ELGL’s way of recognizing an individual or group of individuals who have excelled in promoting the public sector. Recipients may come from the public or private sector and are nominated by ELGL members. Recipients receive an incredible amount of recognition … Continued

Creating and Getting Assistant City Manager Positions

It’s almost time for ELGL’s first webinar!  Register today to hear from Menlo Park, CA City Manager Alex McIntyre about his experiences creating assistant city manager positions, and the knowledge, skills, and abilities that he seeks in this position.  This webinar is free for ELGL members.  Send an email to OregonELGL@gmail.com to reserve your spot … Continued

The Transition with Alex McIntyre, City of Menlo Park

The 3nd installment of The Transition highlights Alex McIntyre’s transition from Lake Oswego to Menlo Park, CA. Many of you may remember ELGL’s tribute to Alex (one of the clicked on links in ELGL blog history) when he announced his departure, for a refresher, here it is: 01.18.12 The Alex McIntyre Memorial. Alex was one of the first … Continued

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