Tag: Assistant to the City Manager

What is an Assistant To? Julie Eckenrode, Town of Carrboro, NC

What exactly does the Assistant to the City Manager do? In between other duties as assigned, council meetings, and a bewildering assortment of public inquiries, several ELGL members have collaborated to identify essential advice for the MPA student with aspirations of one day having a job. Ryan Adams, Irving, TX and Nathan Mosley, Wheat Ridge, … Continued

What is an Assistant To? Ryan Adams, City of Irving, TX

ELGL has assembled an “A” team of Assistant To’s willing to provide insight into their transition from MPA Candidate to gainfully employed local government professional. In between other duties as assigned, council meetings, and a bewildering assortment of public inquiries, Nathan Mosley, Ryan Adams, Clay Curtin, and Ben McCready have collaborated to identify essential advice … Continued

Creating and Getting Assistant City Manager Positions

It’s almost time for ELGL’s first webinar!  Register today to hear from Menlo Park, CA City Manager Alex McIntyre about his experiences creating assistant city manager positions, and the knowledge, skills, and abilities that he seeks in this position.  This webinar is free for ELGL members.  Send an email to OregonELGL@gmail.com to reserve your spot … Continued

The Transition with Ben McCready, Assistant to the City Manager

From Oregon to Illinois, ELGL member Ben McCready has transitioned as he began his new role as the City of Rock Island Assistant City Manager. He previously worked as a management analyst for the City of Salem. Ben sat down with ELGL to discuss his transition but before we get into the details, here’s a brief … Continued

Josh’s Job Search Finds Teri Bankhead, City of Milwaukie

As part of ELGL’s expanded offerings, we introduce you to our newest feature, “Josh’s Job Search (JJS).” See related article: New Blog Feature: Josh’s Job Search. Josh will be conducting informational interviews with key figures in the region. Read his first entry at Josh’s Job Search Interviews Olivia Clark, TriMet An Informational Interview with Teri Bankhead City of Milwaukee Assistant to … Continued

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