Tag: Census Open Innovation Labs
Haley Ashcom Communications Strategist Census Open Innovation Labs LinkedIn | Twitter Katya Abazajian Fellow Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation LinkedIn | Twitter | Bio Rebecca Ierardo Senior Associate Centre for Public Impact LinkedIn Open innovation for all. Three guests joined the podcast to talk about The Opportunity Project, or TOP, which is a … Continued
Lorena Molina Director of Operations Census Open Innovation Labs LinkedIn | Bio Outreach and operations during a pandemic. Lorena Molina, the Director of Operations for the Census Open Innovation Labs, joined the podcast to give an update on how Census 2020 is being impacted by COVID-19. She also shared outreach tools and the value of continuing to … Continued
Denice Ross Fellow in Residence Beeck Center for Social Impact & Innovation LinkedIn | Bio | Twitter Lorena Molina-Irizarry Director of Operations Census Open Innovation Labs LinkedIn | Bio Drew Zachary Co-Director, Census Open Innovation Labs; Director, The Opportunity Project LinkedIn | Twitter Data for good. Three people joined the podcast to talk about the … Continued