Tag: League of Women in Government
Pamela Antil City Manager City of Encinitas, California LinkedIn Encouraging diversity. Pamela Antil, the City Manager of the City of Encinitas, California and Founder of the League of Women in Government, joined the podcast to talk about diversity in local government. She shared what the League of Women in Government does and why they were … Continued
Cindy Mitchell is a recognized leadership coach for county clerks across the country. If you’re interested in connecting with Cindy, you can learn more about her online or on Twitter. Cindy presented at the 2015 Futures Forum and she wrote to ELGL: “I recently presented at the Futures Forum… I was so stoked today with the … Continued
League of Women in Government and ELGL bestie Pam Antil presented this #GenderBalance presentation at the 2015 Futures Forum. Please use these slides in your educational and outreach pursuits about #13Percent and ways that we can increase the percentage of women serving in local government leadership roles. Link: GenderBalance Presentation