We hope you can deal with change because we’re changing up new member introductions. ELGL has grown tired of everyone and everything being proclaimed as “the best ever.” From now on, we’ll only believe it if our members dub it so.
Hold onto your keyboard and mouse. Our new members are here to inform you about the best things ever created on the face of the universe.
Join ELGL: $0 for students, $25 for individuals, $250 for organizations/companies.
Mekal Banyasz
Snohomish County, WA – Office of Hearings Administration
Connect: LinkedIn
What is the best ever…
Summer vacation spot?
The Enchantments
Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk
Economic and Trade Development
Positive trait that you got from your parents?
My facial expressions, I have been told that I can be pretty funny without trying.
Internet sensation?
Double rainbow.
Career advice?
Do what you love, and make sure your cover letter is original and the salutation is correct.
Hot towels. Scaling it back, it would have to be fire and textiles, but the two combined, become hot towel, or burning towel. I am done here.