Everyone has a “hot take” these days from the talking heads at ESPN to political pundits filling the air on cable. ELGL cannot (and will not) be left out. We are asking new members to give us their hot takes on an array of issues.
Keith Hermann
City of Durham, NC – Deputy Finance Director
Connect: LinkedIn
What reminds me of childhood?
The smell of freshly cut grass.
What was the last gift you gave someone?
A collage of photos for my wife.
Tell us three facts about yourself that we wouldn’t find on your LinkedIn profile?
I ran a marathon; I biked across North Carolina; and, I read Ulysses in college.
Who or what motivates you to be successful?
Alexander Hamilton.
What questions should we have asked you?
What’s the best question we could possibly ask you, and what’s the best answer you could possibly give?
- The Hottest Takes Ever with Roy Atkinson, City of Altoona, WI
- The Hottest Takes Ever with David Brauhn, City of Walla Walla, WA
- The Hottest Takes Ever with Christine Edwards, Mecklenburg County
- The Hottest Takes Ever with Dr. Lauren Edwards, UMBC Professor
- The Hottest Takes Ever with Lisa Henty, City of Durham, NC
- The Hottest Takes Ever with Stephen Hawryluk, City of Winston-Salem
- The Hottest Takes Ever with Stephanie Scafa, City of Eugene, OR
- The Hottest Takes Ever with Matt Lorenzen
- The Hottest Takes Ever with Ryan Krueger, City of Troutdale, OR
- The Hottest Takes Ever with Justin Amos, City of Charlotte, NC
- The Hottest Takes Ever with Lauren Walcott, Municipal GIS Partners, Inc.