
About #Walktoberfest
ELGL's step challenge will run from October 1 - October 31 and a randomly-selected person from the winning team will receive an "All-In" ELGL membership or renewal for their organization! Other ELGL swag and prizes will be available throughout the month of October for participants.
Those participating will join one of four teams: Los Angeles, Miami, Milwaukee or Portland.
(The team names are based on the cities hosting this year's #ELGLPopups - join the team of the Popup you are attending, wish you were attending, or is closest to your home.) To register for #ELGLPopUps, head to the events page.
The winning team will be determined based on highest average step count of all participating members. Don't forget to share your progress using the hashtag #Walktoberfest and tag @ELGL50 on social media too.
To compete, register for the event and you will receive a link to join the challenge.
You must be an ELGL member to participate in this event (if you aren't a member yet - sign up - it's the best $30 you'll spend all year - tons of local gov content, events, and more).
Once you have signed up and joined a team - connect your Fitbit, Garmin Connect or Nokia device to have the contest automatically sync your steps. If you do not have one of these devices, use a pedometer and "Check In", just leave a comment on the activities you did to get the steps.
Tell Your #LocalGov Wellness Story
In addition to a good ol' fashioned step challenge for ELGL members during the month of October, we're also profiling health and wellness programs and activities that cities, counties, and other local government organizations sponsor.
Please sign up here to write a blog about what your organization does to encourage and empower employee health and wellness. Some blog prompts to get you thinking (but feel free to write about anything that fits into this broad category that you think ELGL members can learn from and about):
- What wellness programs does your organization sponsor/promote? Why are these programs successful?
- What's your "dream program" that you've heard about, that could work well in local government?
- What's the value of wellness programming in local government organizations?
- How can a local government prepare for the investment in a program? Or, maximize employee participation in a program?