Webinar: How to Get Started with Open Data

Posted on October 22, 2016

 MRSC Invites You to Register for the Webinar


Listen to the ELGL GovLove Podcast with What Works City

Cities collect and retain large amounts of data that the public finds valuable. In the past, this data was only available via paper files and required a public records request, creating an administrative burden for city employees. With advances in technology, cities can now host an open data program that makes the same data accessible to the public anytime, anywhere, via the internet. A strong open data program in your city can meet the public’s demand for information to aid in decision-making, increase your locality’s accountability and transparency, and reduce administrative burden. This training will investigate how an open data program can improve work processes, enable collaboration, and increase efficiency.

This webinar is designed around the excellent resources available through the What Works Cities national initiative and features the expertise of staff from the cities of Seattle and Tacoma, both of which partnered with What Works Cities to develop an open data program. The goal of this webinar is to provide real-world experiences in getting started with open data programs, regardless of a city’s size or operating budget. Attendees will leave the training feeling confident in the ability to champion and to develop an open data program for their cities


  • Tyler Running Deer, City of Seattle
  • Katie Johnston, City of Tacoma
  • Jessica Wilson, Local Government Performance Center, State Auditor’s Office
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