Webinar: Supporting Local Projects through Crowdfunding & Crowdgranting

Posted on November 8, 2017

ELGL & Patronicity Webinar Civic Crowdfunding Crowdgranting

Say you want to build a community garden, or skatepark, or revitalize a community square. Where do you find the money to do it?
Join us to hear from Rob St. Mary, Director of Outreach for PatronicityPatronicity is a crowdfunding and crowdgranting platform that connects local residents and sponsors looking to support community projects.
Learn more about how your community can use crowdfunding and crowdgranting to bring together local citizens and sponsors to support great initiatives in their communities. 
A little more about our speaker: Rob St. Mary (LinkedIn)

Photo by Eric Seals – Detroit Free Press

After a 14 year career in commercial & public radio, I decided to take the lessons learned on the streets covering neighborhoods, arts, & culture, and turn them outward as a way of improving the things I’ve loved all my life.
As not only a Patronicity employee but a success story, I know what the platform can do for the individual and the larger community to open opportunity. Beyond my work here, I’m also a huge film and music fan, published my first book in the Fall 2015, and continue to play guitar/bass. I enjoy time with friends, fine food, and my cats.

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