I’m sure many of you are still basking in the joy of the ELGL 2022 Conference held in Phoenix last week. It was a great opportunity to finally meet many people we’d only gotten to know online—pocket friends as ELGL board member Jessica VanderKolk has called us—and to discuss the work so near and dear … Continued
Today’s Morning Buzz is brought to you by Erin Krause Riley, Adult Services Coordinator for the Scottsdale Public Library System. What I’m Reading: Your Creative Workspace by Desha Peacock– it’s a book about how to set up a space to do any kind of creative work with lots of pictures of creative spaces people have … Continued
Erin Krause Riley is the Adult (and Volunteer) Services Coordinator at the Scottsdale Public Library and wants to offer some appreciation to an amazing team– Supervisor of Volunteers: Ray Ceo, Library Assistant for Volunteer Services: Anissa Phillips, and Citywide Volunteer Program Coordinator: Brandon Chapman–for all they’ve done to maintain and revive the volunteer program at … Continued
Today’s Morning Buzz is by Erin Krause Riley, the Adult Services Coordinator for Scottsdale Public Library in Arizona. You can connect with ekr on LinkedIn What I’m reading: about six books right now, including Orwell’s Roses by Rebecca Solnit, Palaces for the People by Eric Klineberg and Today a Woman Went Mad in the Supermarket by … Continued