
30 Days of Badger – Day 22

A few years back I read A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson. A lot of things in that book stuck with me as I too am fond of hiking and backpacking (although I haven’t gone as often as I should or would like to). One thing from the book I constantly think about … Continued

30 Days of Badger – Day 21

Here’s a great article for any aspiring Urban Planner to study and bookmark to look back on. The Evolution of Urban Planning in 10 Diagrams: A new exhibit from the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association showcases the simple visualizations of complex ideas that have changed how we live. The exhibit is called “Grand … Continued

30 Days of Badger – Day 20

In The Best Idea Yet To Get People to Curb Their Junk Food Consumption, Emily Badger writes about a study conducted by researchers at Texas Christian University and the UT Southwestern Medical Center to help dissuade people from choosing higher caloric food products. By substituting the calorie count on menu items with the amount of … Continued

#ELGL14: 60 Local Gov Ideas in 60 Minutes

Be sure to refill your coffee cup before this #ELGL14 session! With an idea a minute, get ready for a fire hose approach to getting some cool new ideas to your community after the conference. This fast-paced and fun conversation will share the best local government ideas from some of ELGL’s favorite friends. Don’t forget … Continued

30 Days of Badger – Day 19

Public Transportation … for Your Car?, is a CityLab article Emily Badger wrote back in January of 2013. In the article Emily mentions Anwar Farooq, a high school math teacher, engineer, and inventor, who was granted a patent for his design of a train-ferry for car commuters. The article has pictures and videos of the … Continued

#ELGL14: The ELGL Story

Are you interested in getting more involved in ELGL? Forming a regional chapter, taking on a leadership role, or contributing to our original content series? Kent Wyatt, Kirsten Wyatt, Ben Kittelson, and Ben McCready will discuss the organization’s growth, new strategic plan, and ways you can build out your region’s ELGL chapter.  It’ll be a … Continued

#ELGL14: Finding Your Next Local Government Job

You’ve heard about our sessions on Growing Our Regional Economy, Managing College Towns, the Social Media Scene, and Washington Post Reporter Emily Badger. Today, we’re releasing an exciting session that’ll help you take your career to the next level! Join Ron Holifield from Strategic Government Resources, one of the largest local government search firms in … Continued

30 Days of Badger – Day 18

Just about a year ago, Emily Badger wrote an article for CityLab on What Every U.S. Family Really Needs for a Minimum Living Standard. In the article, Emily covers the rise of economic hardship suffered by American households between 2005-2011 and uses U.S. Census Bureau data to show how affected families are by the growing … Continued

30 Days of Badger – Day 17

Reading Emily Badger’s article on How Texting Actually Changes the Way We Walk gave me quite a laugh. I see this every day and often fall (not yet literally) victim to this myself. What gave me an even bigger chuckle was remembering a story about distracted pedestrians from a few years ago. Star Wars Episode … Continued

30 Days of Badger – Day 16

College football season starts in just 11 short days from now. Usually the start of the season means back-to-school and coming to terms with summer coming to an end. Summer and fall are my two favorite seasons though, so that mid to late-september switch is never too hard on me. I usually only get upset … Continued

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