Category: Morning Buzz

Cyber Monday: Local Govie Edition

Today’s Morning Buzz is brought to you by Maggie Jones – connect on LinkedIn and Twitter! What I’m Reading: Just finished Meet Me Under the Mistletoe by Jenny Bayliss (3 out of 5 stars) What I’m Listening To: We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle and Cadence13 (so many delicious hard, necessary convos) What … Continued

Living in the Gray

Today’s Morning Buzz is by Jackie Wehmeyer, Senior Director of Strategy and Intergovernmental Affairs for the City of Parkland, Florida. Parkland was named one of the Best Places to Work in Local Government in 2021 by ELGL and a Top Workplace in 2022. Connect with Jackie on LinkedIn. What I’m Reading: A Billion Years by Mike Rinder What I’m Watching: … Continued

This is Your Q4 Survival Guide

Today’s Morning Buzz is by Jessica VanderKolk, Communications Manager for the City of Battle Creek. Let’s be pocket friends on Twitter and LinkedIn! What I’m wearing: All peppermint, all the time. This is my #PeppermintSeason. What I’m watching: Season 5 of The Crown What I’m hearing: All holiday music, all the time As I sit … Continued

Turn that Monday Frown Upside Down

Today’s Morning Buzz is brought to you by Stephanie Chase, the Executive Director of Libraries of Eastern Oregon and Founding Principal of Constructive Disruption. What I’m Reading: Never Rescue A Rogue by Virginia Heath What I’m Listening To: First Aid Kit‘s new album Palomino What I’m Watching: Binge watching seasons 6 and 7 of Alone … Continued

How Local Government Leadership Can Alleviate Workplace Stress

Today’s Morning Buzz is brought to you by Angelica Wedell, Director of Communications and Marketing at Polco. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn! What I’m Watching:The X Files What I’m Listening To: No Bad Dogs Podcast – Written by Jessie O’Brien and Edited by Angelica Wedell, Polco –  High demands, long hours, and poor relationships can all lead … Continued

I Didn’t Know How Much I Didn’t Know

Today’s Buzz is by Samantha Roberts– connect with her on LinkedIn and Twitter! In a previous post, I shared that despite this Morning Buzz contribution, I’m actually no longer a local government employee. In 2021 I, like many others, made the very difficult decision to leave the public sector for a time and gain a new perspective. … Continued

Transforming the Commute from Drudgery to Joy

In August, I bought an e-bike. I like to bike recreationally because I love to experience the full vibrancy of Minnesota’s dramatic seasons. I am proud to feel my body getting stronger each time I ride. I exchange smiles with strangers and get to know my neighbors. I spontaneously stop at intriguing storefronts instead of … Continued

Adventures of the Analyst Adjacent

I’m sure many of you are still basking in the joy of the ELGL 2022 Conference held in Phoenix last week. It was a great opportunity to finally meet many people we’d only gotten to know online—pocket friends as ELGL board member Jessica VanderKolk has called us—and to discuss the work so near and dear … Continued

Going Far to Work Locally

  In my last Morning Buzz article, I talked about the life-work balance, and how the most important thing is that your work and your personal life are meaningful. In a long-winded way, I was telling you to be bold and look for the richest experiences life has to offer. There are two uniquely bold … Continued

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