[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSWdYLu8ono?feature=player_detailpage&w=640&h=360]
Hindsight is 20/20: Lessons in Leadership From Governor Gregoire and Governor Kulongoski
You’re reading it here first: the lunchtime session at the 2013 ELGL Conference will feature two former governors, for the first time sharing their perspectives on their time in the executive offices in Washington and Oregon. Enjoy your complimentary lunch at the conference while you learn from these governors about their years of service.
Former Washington Governor Christine Gregoire
Former Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski
Moderator: Phil Keisling, Portland State University, Center for Public Service, Director
Supplemental Reading
- Knope of the Week: Gov. Chris Gregoire
- Economic highs, lows frame Gregoire’s legacy
- Governor Gregoire’s Education Legacy
- Gov. Chris Gregoire’s legacy of public service
- Kulongoski hopes history will color his legacy green
- Ted Kulongoski defends legacy as he bids good-bye to Oregon
- Kulongoski, green transportation and his legacy
Conference Resources
- Conference Sneak Peek III: In the Trenches: Learning from Practical Experiences in Oregon Economic Development
- Conference Sneak Peek II: Communications Best Practices for Local Government Success
- Conference Sneak Peek: The Mayor’s Panel Moderated By Jeff Mapes, Oregonian
- And Now a Word from Our (Conference) Sponsors
- Announcing the ELGL Conference Planning Committee
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkY1qUdzBzg?feature=player_detailpage&w=640&h=360]