School is out. Supper Club is in. We’ve hosted a Supper Club in Portland and we’ve scheduled a Supper Club for San Mateo in August. These final folks named below have agreed to host a Supper Club in their area. If you have signed up to attend, you’ll be contacted soon. If you haven’t signed up to attend, you can do so here. You must be an ELGL member. (Membership is free for students, $30 for individuals, $230 for organizations).
Super huge H/T to our members who have agreed to host a Supper Club.
Stacey Thompson , Palo Alto, CA
Marianne Tonjes, Huntington Beach, CA
Chris Maddox, San Francisco, CA
Nancy Hetrick, San Jose, CA
Megan Doherty, Tallahassee, FL
Rae Buckley, Chapel Hill, NC
Sarah Baker, Raleigh, NC
Michelle Crandall, Columbus, OH
Tamara Schaps, Seattle, WA
Amethyst Sloane, Fort Worth, TX
Shannah Hayley, Plano, TX
Justin Cutler, Westminster, CO
Carmen Batista, Phoenix, AZ
Mike Ekey, Kansas City, MO
Sierra Moore, Atlanta, GA
Michael Walters Young, Nashville, TN
John Morgan, Salem, OR
Renee Irvin, Eugene, OR
Ben McCready, Normal, IL
Brian Southey, Chicago, IL
Lauren Stott, Dekalb, IL
Greg Stopka, Oak Park, IL