Tag: American Planning Association
This guest blog is by ELGL member Meghan Ruble, the Engagement Manager at Bang the Table. Most of the Bang the Table team attended the American Planning Association Conference in New Orleans. We had a really, really good time. In addition to attending sessions, listening to Jazz on Frenchmen Street, working 20 hours at our … Continued
By GovSense co-founder Gary McTall. Gary spent 10 years consulting and designing software solutions for local governments, but he was always running into limitations in the on-premise software. After consulting private equity firms and software companies on cloud solutions, he felt it was imperative to bring innovation to government. Twitter and LinkedIn Working with planning … Continued
AJ Fawver, the Planning Director in Amarillo, Texas shares her perspectives on land use, planning, and community development in this series. Learn more about AJ from her GovLove interview. On the heels of another successful American Planning Association (APA) Texas chapter conference, I feel compelled to write about things to keep in mind when attending a conference geared … Continued
Fifty Nifty Takeaways What do we hope to learn from this series? We hope you will gain a better understanding of the unique characteristics of local government in each state, we hope you will learn that there are others like you who are motivated to make a difference through the public sector, and we hope … Continued