Tag: Lombard

Smitten With the Mitten: Bridget Doyle Heads to Sterling Heights

STERLING HEIGHTS: Council appoints new Community Relations director Bridget Doyle, one of our fearless Midwest leaders, is on the move. This week Bridget was selected as the Sterling Heights, MI Community Relations director. Bridget was serving as the Lombard (IL) Communications Coordinator. Here’s what Bridget had to say about the new gig: “This is truly … Continued

Deep Thoughts with Bridget Doyle, Village of Lombard, IL

Prepare for #ELGL14 by learning about who is attending. Find out if you’ll be surrounded by soft talkers, loud eaters, and finger biters or whether you’ll be surrounded by the best in local government. Bridget Doyle Village of Lombard, IL – Communications Coordinator Connect: LinkedIn and Twitter   #ELGL14 is…my first trip to the Pacific Northwest, my … Continued

Communication Breakdown: Press Releases Aren’t Dead?

Bridget Doyle, Midwest ELGL co-founder and Lombard (IL) communications coordinator, presents another edition of Communication Breakdown. Why should you listen to Bridget? Bridget speaks from experience. She interacted with local governments during her time as a Chicago Tribune reporter and knows how local governments can improve their messaging with the media.     Communication Breakdown: … Continued

Presentation: Government and the Local Media in 2013

Bridget Doyle, Village of Lombard communications coordinator and former Chicago Tribune staffer, led a webinar on “Tips for Dealing with the Media” on November 7, 2013. Below is Bridget’s presentation. ELGL Presentation: Government and the Local Media in 2013 Connect with Bridget: LinkedIn and DoyleB@villageoflombard.org Related Link: New communications coordinator hopes to grow Lombard’s social media presence

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