Tag: Matt Lorenzen

Anytown USA should reconsider Amazon HQ2

  Sign up to write for ELGL about this topic and engage with us on social media using the hashtag #HQ2PublicFunds. Questions? Send us an email. We’ll use the hashtag on the blog to categorize all discussions on this topic. Today ELGL member Matt Lorenzen shares his perspective on the topic. “Liberals JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING….. … Continued

Pop Quiz with Matt Lorenzen, City of Estacada, OR

#ELGLPopUps land in Charlotte, Dallas, Portland, and Kansas City on September 22. Each event has a school theme which you’ll notice in the agendas. Staying with that theme, we introduce you to those who will be attending a Pop Up event. You can register for one of the events here. Name: Matt Lorenzen Job Title: … Continued

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