Category: State of Local Government

Were You Born to be a Local Government Manager?

Last time he brought you “Mixing In Perfect Harmony at the ICMA Conference,” now Phil Smith-Hanes returns to write about the “X-ec” factor. Phil proposes that there are four executive qualities that cannot be taught.  

Just Do It! The Creation of Work City Smart

Kristen Elderson (LinkedIn and Twitter) is a local government professional, art lover and curious mind. Kristen started Work City Smart as a way to do work she loves, more effectively. In her column, she will write about the challenges and successes of starting a local government consulting business. Just Do It! The Creation of Work City Smart I … Continued

The Golden State Digest

Link: ELGL Spreads Across the Country “Think of it as a cross between The Atlantic magazine and Buzzfeed.” Hot Reads Local Government Infographic: We have created an infographic to highlight local government associations in California. We’re hopeful that this provides a helpful resource for CA newcomers.

Part 3 of 67: Getting to Know (and Love) Your Budget

Getting to Know (And Love) Your Budget By: Matt Monedero, Garland, TX – LinkedIn and Twitter Welcome to the third installment in a 67-part series. Today we discuss the expense breakdown of an operational budget, the inherent problem of salaries and benefits, and the harsh reality of maintaining current service levels while battling inflation.

Six Californias: The State of Jefferson

Dr. Steve Harding introduced our mini-series by explaining the history of the Six Californias movement. We now embark on a detailed look at each of the six areas and what makes them so unique that they think they need their own state. 

Summer School with Blogtern Natalia Rosario

It’s internship season and we’ve enlisted interns in Spartanburg, SC and Rutherfordton, NC to share their experience with the ELGL audience. After introduction articles from each of the interns, we’ll ask you to tell them you want to know about the internship experience.

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