My new favorite conference session to promote for local government organizations is to showcase newspaper and blog journalists and get their feedback on how local government can improve and strengthen media relations. Included below are the question areas that we asked for the #WACities panel, and here are the presentation slides. Please feel free to borrow this … Continued
ELGL co-founder Kent Wyatt interviewed Zach Markovits, Director of City Programs for What Works Cities, on ELGL Live! and for a future GovLove podcast. Watch the Periscope recording here. Here’s what we learned. East Coast vs. West Coast: Zach was very political in discussing whether he had a preference. He lived in Providence, RI while … Continued
This running blog post will chronicle Kirsten Wyatt’s upcoming trip to Louisville, Kentucky for the Governing Magazine Summit on Government Performance and Innovation conference. Follow along here, on Twitter using #GovLive or on Snapchat at @ELGL50 to learn more about the trip and the lessons learned from the Governing Magazine team. Thursday, June 16, 3:40 … Continued
Two weeks in a row?!?! That’s right, ELGL Live! Returns for a second straight week. If you disobeyed our advice to participate in the interview with Michael Karlik, comedian and creator of City Council Chronicles, you can make things whole by listening to the recording. This Friday at 12:00 p.m EST/9:00 a.m. PST, ELGL co-founder Kent Wyatt … Continued
On June 17 at 12:00 p.m EST/9:00 a.m. PST, ELGL co-founder Kent Wyatt will interview Zach Markovits, Director of City Programs for the What Works Cities initiative. We’ll live stream the interview on Periscope and record the interview for a future GovLove podcast. Zach will discuss how city leaders from 100 mid-sized cities are enhancing their use of … Continued