Tag: #13Percent

#13Percent: the Business Case and Bias Interrupters

My Perspective: the Business Case and Bias Interrupters By: Rachael Fuller, City of Gresham, OR Assistant City Manager – LinkedIn The other day I asked my daughter if she would ever want to be a firefighter. I was stunned and saddened when she told me she couldn’t do that because, in her own words, “Girls can’t be … Continued

#13Percent: I’m a Middle-Aged White Guy

Phil Smith-Hanes, County Administrative Officer for Humboldt County, CA, joins our team of columnists. He’ll write on topics ranging from career advice to the differences in working for a county as opposed to a city. #13Percent: I’m A Middle-Aged White Guy http://youtu.be/nzY2Qcu5i2A By: Phil Smith-Hanes, LinkedIn and Twitter Hi, I’m Phil. Once upon a time … Continued

13 Percent: Creating Dynamic Leaders Through Mentorship

Creating Dynamic Leaders Through Mentorship By: Ben McCready – Twitter Over the past month the #13Percent conversation has continued to evolve, adapting and changing as ELGL members and local government leaders challenge the status quo. As this conversation addressing the lack of diversity amidst local government expands, it’s apparent that this issue is far from … Continued

We’re All In This Together

Today’s #13Percent post is from Kirsten Wyatt.  Kirsten is the Assistant City Manager in West Linn, Oregon and the co-founder of ELGL. Twitter & LinkedIn. _______________ ELGL got engaged on the women in local government leadership topic with the understanding that the lack of change in the past 30 years can’t be solved unless we’re … Continued

California’s Glass Ceiling, Watch the Webinar

CA Managers On February 19th we heard from GrassrootsLab, a public affairs firm from California, which recently released a report on city management. One of the most enlightening findings was that female city managers tend to serve shorter tenures than their male counterparts, a hidden glass ceiling. As a part of ELGL’s ongoing #13Percent campaign to bring … Continued

Watch the #13Percent Webinar with Heidi Voorhees and Rachel Lange-Skaggs

One of the benefits of ELGL membership is access to our Webinar Library, where you can watch and listen to already aired webinars. After a huge turnout for the #13Percent webinar we now have the recording available to you. Women in Local Government After their article on the number of women in city manager positions … Continued

#13Percent: I’m a 36-Year Old White Male

#13Percent: I’m a 36-Year Old White Male by: Kent Wyatt — LinkedIn and Twitter I am a 36-year old, white male. I work as a senior management analyst for the City of Tigard, OR. My dad was a city manager for more than 35 years in North Carolina and Virginia. I grew up going to … Continued

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