Tag: GovLove

Podcast: The Opportunity Project, Open Data and Technology

Haley Ashcom Communications Strategist Census Open Innovation Labs LinkedIn | Twitter Katya Abazajian Fellow Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation LinkedIn | Twitter | Bio Rebecca Ierardo Senior Associate Centre for Public Impact LinkedIn Open innovation for all. Three guests joined the podcast to talk about The Opportunity Project, or TOP, which is a … Continued

Podcast: Recreation Programming and Behavioral Health with Cameron Marlin, Clear Creek Metropolitan Recreation District

Cameron Marlin General Manager Clear Creek Metropolitan Recreation District LinkedIn Holistic wellness. Cameron Marlin, the General Manager of the Clear Creek Metropolitan Recreation District, joined the podcast to talk about how they offered new recreation programming to meet the community’s mental health needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. She shared how they identified instructors, partnered with … Continued

Podcast: Strategies for Affordable Housing with Jerrah Crowder and Namon Freeman

  Jerrah Crowder Manager, Office of Affordability and Sustainable Housing City of Newark, NJ Contact Namon Freeman Manager – Housing Affordability Bloomberg Associates Linkedin Building a foundation. Two guests joined the podcast to talk about strategies for affordable housing. Jerrah Crowder is a Manager for the Office of Affordability and Sustainable Housing for the City … Continued

Podcast: Techno-Resiliency in Organizations with Dr. Rob Graham

Dr. Rob Graham Founder & CEO Techno-Resiliency.com LinkedIn | Twitter Mandate to be great. Dr. Rob Graham, the Founder & CEO of Techno-Resiliency.com, joined the podcast to talk about his book, Mandate to be Great: The 5 Traits of Techno-Resilient People and Organizations. He shared the definition of Techno-Resiliency and how it relates to organizations.  … Continued

Podcast: Zoning Reform with Jake Seid, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

Jake Seid Senior Planner Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning LinkedIn Housing for all. Jake Seid, a Senior Planner with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, joined the podcast to talk about zoning reform.  He shares why zoning reform is needed and why there is an increased interest in the topic. Jake discussed the limitations of … Continued

Podcast: Innovation, Procurement, and Technology with Nick Lyell, CivStart

Nick Lyell Co-Founder and Chief Impact Officer CivStart LinkedIn | Bio Honest and inclusive ecosystems. Nick Lyell, the Co-Founder and Chief Impact Officer for CivStart, joined the podcast to talk about connecting startups with local governments. He discussed the programs that CivStart runs including challenge-based procurement and pilot programs. He also talked about the mission … Continued

Podcast: Planning for Advanced Air Mobility Impacts on Local Government

  Robert Pearce Associate Administrator NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate LinkedIn | Bio Davis Hackenberg Advanced Air Mobility Mission Integration Manager NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Twitter Urban air mobility. Two guests joined the podcast to talk about advanced air mobility and how it could change the transportation landscape for cities. Robert Pearce is the … Continued

Podcast: Planting Trees to Cool Down Milan with Adam Freed, Bloomberg Associates

Adam Freed Principal Bloomberg Associates LinkedIn | Twitter | Bio Urban design and sustainability. Adam Freed, Principal with Bloomberg Associates, joined the podcast to talk about how the City of Milan, Italy is working to plant 3,000,000 trees by 2030. He shared how the City is accelerating planting, changing process, and partnering to fund the … Continued

Podcast: Bringing Great People into Government in the Age of COVID-19 with Eliza Edwards & Joy Ruff

  Eliza Edwards Policy Analyst North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships LinkedIn Joy Ruff Executive Director Local Government Academy LinkedIn Improving internships. Eliza Edwards, a Policy Analyst for the State of North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships, and Joy Ruff, the Executive Director of the Local Government Academy, joined the podcast to talk about strategies … Continued

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