Tag: Kevin Amirehsani

#LocalGovSolutions: Getting Past Sparsely Attended Budget Meetings

In a continuing series as part of the ELGL & UTA Local Government Challenge, Kevin Amirehsani highlights trends in communicating financial information. By Kevin Amirehsani – Balancing Act and Engaged Public Outside of local government, civic engagement is usually taken to mean voting patterns, the presence of community groups (think “Bowling Alone”), and rather abstract mentions of “public … Continued

Engaging the Public in the Budget Process

Engaging the Public in the Budget Process Kevin Amirehsani – Balancing Act and Engaged Public Budgets aren’t supposed to be complex and scary. Back when I was a kid, my personal budget had just two columns, with my not-so-hefty, not-so-inflation-adjusted allowance on one side, and the cool stuff I wanted to buy on the other (think … Continued

What I Am with Kevin Amirehsani, Engaged Public

Link: ELGL Spreads Across the Country “Cross between The Atlantic magazine and Buzzfeed”  Welcome to our new member feature. We’ve all heard the excuse “I’m too busy” so we’ve simplified our feature to illicit short, meaningful responses for our new members. As a side note, ELGL is adamantly opposed to the excuse, “I’m too busy.”

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