Pictures of You: Photography in Digital Storytelling
Kim Ervin, LinkedIn and Twitter, is a Senior Social Media Strategist for Pyramid Communications.
Kim Ervin, LinkedIn and Twitter, is a Senior Social Media Strategist for Pyramid Communications.
Kim Ervin, Pyramid Communications Senior Social Media Strategist, provides a monthly column on digital storytelling.
Kim Ervin, Pyramid Communications Senior Social Media Strategist, provides a monthly column on digital storytelling. Competing with Llama Drama By: Kim Ervin, LinkedIn and Twitter This week the internet was fascinated by llamas running through the streets of Arizona and “the dress.” Huh? I mean, how on earth is one supposed to compete with and capture people’s … Continued
Recent Knope of the Week receipient Kim Ervin returns with tips for becoming a successful social media manager. Designing a Social Media Super Hero By: Kim Ervin (LinkedIn and Twitter), Pyramid Communications “What are the qualities that make a successful social media manager?” This is a question that I hear often. Maybe your social media was started … Continued
Digital Storytelling: Kim Ervin, Pyramid Communications, Senior Social Media Strategist The gift of #ELGL14 keeps giving. We met Kim Ervin (LinkedIn and Twitter) for the first time at #ELGL14 and since then she has become an important ELGL contributor. Through the “Digital Storytelling” column, Kim has given us pointers on finding our social media filter, using … Continued
To put you in the holiday spirit we had a great webinar with Kim Ervin, Patrick Rollens and Kirsten Wyatt on how to build internal support and momentum for the use of social media. Now you can rewatch and relive the whole thing! #ELGLSocial Big thanks to Kim Ervin, Patrick Rollens, and Kirsten Wyatt for … Continued
Digital Storytelling: Does Mikey Like It? By: Kim Ervin, LinkedIn and Twitter One of the questions from our webinar on Building the Case for Social Media in December someone asked was, “How the heck do you figure out what people like and what you should share?” Admittedly, the question wasn’t exactly worded that way, but that … Continued
#ELGLSocial Tomorrow ELGL will be pushing the boundaries of comfort as we go online with the first in a series of Google Hangout’s to discuss the nitty gritty details of how leaders build the case and support for social media in local government. Unsure about what this Google Hangout thing is all about? Well, no need … Continued
Kim Ervin, #ELGL14 fame and Pyramid Communications Senior Social Media Strategist, presents five tips for managing social media for your organization. Learn more from Kim at our upcoming Google Hangout: Building the Case for Social Media. Slowing Down Social Media By: Kim Ervin, LinkedIn and Twitter “Life moves pretty fast…if you don’t stop and look around … Continued
We have a new member of the ELGL columnist family. Kim Ervin, of #ELGL14 fame and Pyramid Communications Senior Social Media Strategist, joins us to provide a monthly column on digital storytelling. She’s also organizing a Google Hangout to explore the topic more in-depth. Digital Storytelling: Changing Landscape, Consistent Goals By: Kim Ervin, LinkedIn and Twitter A … Continued