Weekly Update – 05.22.16

Posted on May 22, 2016

Kirsten Wyatt Executive Director, ELGL kirsten@elgl.org | @kowyatt
Kirsten Wyatt
Executive Director, ELGL
kirsten@elgl.org | @kowyatt

As many of you know, I left my job in West Linn for a variety of reasons, the most important being that I realized that West Linn was no longer providing me a platform to pursue a local government career I believed in. My personal career goal has always been simple: to do work where I can make the biggest difference in the world.

I strongly believe that local government is a fair, transparent and communicative place, and I have deep respect for the dedicated employees who work in government. I think that ELGL is doing more to support local government employees than any other organization. We act on our mission to connect, communicate, and educate every single day.

And so, I’ve decided to focus this next stage of my career on ELGL as its executive director. I want to support our members, build the organization’s brand, and solidify the organization’s platform and programs. I’ll do this by focusing my full attention on membership expansion, working with our members to develop practical programs and blog series that benefit local government, and organizing creative and useful events like #ELGL16 (and more).

As with all things that ELGL does, we’ll share everything we produce with our members, guaranteeing that ELGL is your go-to resource for local government tools, perspectives and training.

ELGL’s explosive growth in the past two years makes this the perfect time to step into this role. I’m really excited to work directly for our ELGL members, and to promote public service professions.

As your executive director, I’ll write a Sunday column to provide you with an overview of what we’ve accomplished in the prior week. If you have any questions, please email me or tweet at me.

ELGL Weekly Update – 05.22.16





Questions? Comments? Drop me a note and let me know how ELGL can best serve you! 

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