
30 Days of Badger – Day 28

Emily Badger wrote article for CityLab back in November, 2013 called The Simplest Way to Get People Biking. The proposition: “Show people how long the exact same trip would take in a car, or on foot, or even by transit. It’s not enough to make it possible for people to bike. What advocates really need to do is … Continued

#ELGL14: My Career Path

  They rose to the top, but how did they get there? This unique panel format introduces three of ELGL’s favorite public servants and their career paths. We’ll learn about their career directions and leadership perspectives in 20-minute snapshots from each speaker. Don’t forget, registration opens on September 5 at 8am. Register early, conference spots … Continued

30 Days of Badger – Day 27

Emily Badger’s transition from sports journalism to urban policies, economics, and trends was the aspect of her writing experience that first caught my eye. And from the very beginning of the #30daysofbadger project I wanted to do a feature relating to an article that combines what happens to be two of my favorite topics. I … Continued

30 Days of Badger – Day 26

On Monday ELGL released the inaugural post for the column: Discovering Detroit with Cole Grisham and John McCarter. The column aimed at uncovering the truth behind some of the Motor City’s tallest tales. As they will address the myths, rumors, and facts you hear about the City every day I thought sharing this wonderful Emily … Continued

#ELGLFerguson Twittersation Recap

ELGL hosted a Twittersation addressing many of the local government issues that arose following the shooting of Michael Brown. Our moderator, Brittany Bennett, summarized her thoughts on the Twittersation. You can also read the Storify summary we compiled from the many tweets flying to and fro during the conversation and add your input on the … Continued

#ELGL14: The Power of “Yes”

We’ve reached the midpoint of our #ELGL14 conference day ! During our lunch session at #ELGL14, learn from J.D. Roth about relishing the richness of life and learning to live in the moment. His talk “The Power of Yes” is a reminder of fulfilling our potential as public servants. Pizza, (root) beer, and life lessons? … Continued

30 Days of Badger – Day 25

“Class, please open your textbooks to the chapter on ‘Post-Declaration American Immigration: The Melting Pot’, please.” -Most likely said by an American History teacher I had once. This chapter would’ve described the metaphor of cultural assimilation in the United States and the theory of many races and ethnicities melting together to create one unified culture; … Continued

30 Days of Badger – Day 24

When Cracked Sidewalks Become Art These are fantastic! You have to love the creativity of these pieces of urban artwork. In this Emily Badger article she asks French artist Oakoak about his project, his response:  “I have no particular message. Perhaps it’s just to show that urban elements or walls could be not just grey, … Continued

30 Days of Badger – Day 23

Tornado season in the United States is just about over for 2014. Typically most tornados strike the Midwestern states between March and August. Growing up in western Ohio, a few miles from the Indiana border, my family experienced our fair share of massive thunderstorms. Midwestern thunderstorms are nerve-racking enough but the few occasions when tornados … Continued

#ELGL14: Public Participation Trends and Concepts

All our #ELGL14 sessions provide local gov professionals opportunities to engage with one another, and now our Public Participation panel will talk about how to engage the public! Citizens want a voice in their government, but the process of engaging citizens on issues of importance is changing. Technology and expectations are evolving, and this #ELGL14 … Continued

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