If I only knew… We at ELGL always look to and get inspired by the news media. Last month something caught our eye that many of our favorite journalists were involved with, the hashtag #AdviceForYoungJournalists. Veterans of the media scene tweeted and posted their advice for journalists just entering the field, the advice ranged from … Continued
Who doesn’t love a good ol’ fashioned performance review? ELGL loves them so much that we’re embarking on a “360 Review of Local Government.” We’re going to evaluate every single inch of the local government arena by talking to ourselves (a.k.a: other local government professionals), tech companies, journalists, professors, and anyone else who hasn’t blocked our … Continued
ELGL continues to profile companies playing in the local government sandbox. We were introduced to Seamless Docs on Twitter and decided that you need to learned more about their impact on the local government arena. SeamlessDocs wants you to a government where forms are a pleasure. Background Check SeamlessDocs (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) specializes in working with governments to convert … Continued
By Kirsten Wyatt, ELGL co-founder; Ass’t City Manager, West Linn, OR Connect: LinkedIn and Twitter The January 2015 edition of PM Magazine features a cover story about women leading local government agencies, and how the statistic has not improved in the last 30 years – in 1984 and in 2014, only 13 percent of local … Continued
Who doesn’t love a good ol’ fashioned performance review? ELGL loves them so much that we’re embarking on a “360 Review of Local Government.” We’re going to evaluate every single inch of the local government arena by talking to ourselves (a.k.a: other local government professionals), tech companies, journalists, professors, and anyone else who hasn’t blocked our … Continued
Quotables by Kitty Wooley – Column, LinkedIn, Twitter As we pause to ring in the New Year, here are some statements and commentary for review. Your reactions, additions, or subtractions are most welcome. Here’s to your happiness, health, and career success in 2015. “At the end of the day, what qualifies people to be called ‘leaders’ is … Continued
Who doesn’t love a good ol’ fashioned performance review? ELGL loves them so much that we’re embarking on a “360 Review of Local Government.” We’re going to evaluate every single inch of the local government arena by talking to ourselves (a.k.a: other local government professionals), tech companies, journalists, professors, and anyone else who hasn’t blocked our … Continued
Civic Leaders is an exclusive local government web-interview series hosted and operated by Springbrook Software, produced by the VOLSTA Media Network, and syndicated by ELGL. Each month the show shares a candid look into the challenges and triumphs experienced by passionate public employees that are committed to their calling. Behind the Camera: 6 Lessons Learned from … Continued
Dean Porter, a Program Officer at Enterprise Community Partners, speaks with Tim Klont at the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago about the relationship between local government and affordable housing.
ELGL first met Eric Ameigh, City of Boulder (CO) Projects Coordinator at #ELGL14. If you talked with Eric at #ELGL14, you know that he embodies that out-of-the-box, creative ELGL mindset. We’ve asked Eric to highlight his persepctive on the future of the local government workforce. Note: “The Wave” featured in the below Vine was taken at #ELGL14. … Continued