Category: New Member Profiles

Member Profile: Tabitha Clark

Tabitha Clark Communications Manager, City of Perry LinkedIn I Twitter I Email If you had to live in a different city, what city would you choose? Atlanta, Georgia Storytelling or innovation? Which is the most overused word in local government? Innovation What year would the most important in your life? Why? 2019 – I earned … Continued

NWWLA Oregon Cohort: Sasha Konell

ELGL has partnered with the Northwest Women’s Leadership Academy, Oregon to support and promote their 2019 cohort! To support the program and efforts, ELGL has extended complimentary membership to the women participating in the NWWLA 2019 cohort. ELGL is profiling the NWWLA participants to grow their local government network, and showcase their resumes, work experiences, and … Continued

Meet Adina Goldstein: ELGL’s Willamette University Intern

Hi! My name is Adina Goldstein and I am a sophomore at Willamette University. My hobbies are writing fiction, improv, and playing Dungeons and Dragons. I was born and raised all over the Bay Area California. I grew up in Berkeley and went to high school in San Francisco. I hope to major in English … Continued

Meet Casey Kunzat: ELGL’s Willamette University Intern

Hello, and nice to meet everyone here at ELGL! My name is Casey Kunzat and I am honored and super thrilled to join the ELGL community, especially to meet, connect, and work with all the members around the nation. My home is in Beaverton, OR, but I currently am enrolled at Willamette University studying for … Continued

Member Profile: Hannah Woit

Hannah Woit MBA Candidate, Columbia Business School LinkedIn If you had to live in a different city, what city would you choose? Boston, MA Storytelling or innovation? Which is the most overused word in local government? Innovation! What year would the most important in your life? Why? 1988–my birth! (Complete this sentence) The one thing … Continued

Member Profile: Edmund Henschel

Edmund Henschel Senior Consultant – RW Management Group, Inc. E-mail If you had to live in a different city, what city would you choose? Charlotte, NC What year would the most important in your life? Why? 1968: Got married (Complete this sentence) The one thing that I think is missing from local government is…. civility. … Continued

Member Profile: Mitch Hammes

Mitch Hammes Neighborhood Services Manager, City of Colorado Springs If you had to live in a different city, what city would you choose? Seattle Storytelling or innovation? Which is the most overused word in local government? Innovation What year would the most important in your life? Why? 2001 – The year I started working in … Continued

Member Profile: Timothy Eccleston

Timothy Eccleston Data Generalist, Engineer, & Scientist  LinkedIn | Twitter So far, what’s your proudest accomplishment in 2019? Transitioning to freelancing Valentine’s Day is in February. What do you “love” about your job? That I work for myself (Complete the sentence) Before I die I want to… Publish and open data article 10 Year Challenge! … Continued

Northwest Women’s Leadership Academy Cohort: Deborah Needham

ELGL has partnered with Washington City/County Management Association to promote the Northwest Women’s Leadership Academy (NWWLA) and their 2019 cohort! To support the program and efforts, ELGL has extended complimentary membership to the women participating in the NWWLA 2019 cohort. ELGL is profiling the NWWLA participants to grow their local government network, and showcase their resumes, work experiences, and … Continued

Member Profile: Jim Hoff

Jim Hoff Management Analyst, Village of Woodridge E-mail | LinkedIn | Twitter If you had to live in a different city, what city would you choose? Perth, Australia. I had the privilege of interning at the U.S. Consulate General in Perth at the Media and Public Diplomacy division. The people are lovely, the weather is … Continued

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