07.06.12 Knope of the Week

Posted on July 6, 2012

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The votes are in and the results have been tabulated: after a week of nominations and voting by our community, ELGL is thrilled to announce the winner of the Knope of the Week! As a reminder, The Knope of the Week honors individuals or groups who have done the most in the past week to advance the mission of ELGL.

Without further ado, the winner of the 31st Knope of the Week goes to the . . . . 

Laura Cleland

Communications Manager, Association of Oregon Counties

Laura has worked with ELGL since its inception to build momentum among the counties. The effort has resulted in increased membership from Clackamas County, Multnomah County, and Lane County. With the culmination coming in September, when ELGL visits Clackamas County leaders (Steve Wheeler, Laurel Butman, and Nancy Newton). Laura is playing a key role in organizing the 3CMA Conference which is being held in her backyard of Portland from September 5 to 7. ELGL looks forward to assisting in those efforts. (Details at What We Have Here is Failure to Communicate.)

Not to mention, Laura has a diverse professional background in everything from working on political campaigns to private sector PR. She has been motivated throughout her career by the simple, yet powerful mantra “to make a difference in the lives of others.” It is clear she is well on her way.

Previous Knope of the Week Recipients

Knope of the Week Acceptance Speeches

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