
30 Days of Badger – Day 6

Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike. Guess what day it is!   Middle of the week, let’s have little fun. First, read this article by our friend, Emily Badger about crime fighting, meth-lab detecting, Wi-Fi hotspot emitting street lamps… wait what? I wouldn’t lie to you, seriously check this out: The Streetlight of the Future Will … Continued

30 Days of Badger – Day 5

Yesterday’s installment of #30daysofbadger was concentrated on Emily’s CityLab article, Debating the Local Food Movement. As I mentioned, there was one additional thing in this Badger article I wanted to focus on. Here is the excerpt from that particular section: Urban farms don’t have to be incompatible with density, [Sarah Rich, author of Urban Farms] … Continued

Change Is Coming to Obamacare?

Josh Schultz works in New York City helping elderly and disabled people access health insurance and afford health care. He welcomes comments about this article or suggestions for future topics. This post consists of only his own views, and will be cross-posted to the American Emerging Local Government Leaders network under his column, “Taking Triple … Continued

Guidepost #1 – Emily Leuning

Welcome to week #1 of the Cookingham Connection.  This week, we hear from Emily Leuning, the intern in Sherwood and West Linn, Oregon.  Emily also volunteers with ELGL as our program assistant.  The Cookingham Connection pairs engaged leaders with emerging leaders to learn and think about the guideposts of city management.  Today, Emily tackles Guidepost #1.  She reflects … Continued

Very Local Government-y: Engaging Women in Public Service

ELGL public affairs assistant Emily Leuning returns with another article in the series, “Very Local Government-y.” This time around she interviews UNC professor Leisha DeHart-Davis about the recent “Engaging Women in Public Service: Taking Your Place and Paying it Forward” conference held in Chapel Hill, NC in June 2014.  Background Check on Leisha DeHart-Davis Connect: … Continued


Did you see that dive? #Trending Women Leaders in Government: We Still Have a Long Way to Go #EcDev in Rural NC Lorde Invades Local Government Personality of the Guest with Jennifer Jones, Village of Oak Park (IL) Life as a City Manager’s Child with Will Norris, Long Beach (CA) Coming Soon… YouTube on a … Continued


Good morning! Today we discuss timber sales in Oregon, patronage in Chicago, and speeding down the highway in Atlanta. Did you know June 18th marks the anniversary of the beginning of War of 1812? We have some other random facts today to make you the most interesting LG professional at the water cooler. You’re welcome. … Continued


Good morning and happy Monday! Today we look at skater dudes in Chicago, a housing crisis in Spain, and  comprehensive planning in Washington. If you’re searching for motivation to start your week we have you covered; all the bad inspirational quotes you could ever want. Trending New Sensation: Pete Olson, Yorktown (IN) Village Manager Lightning … Continued

The ELGL Strategic Plan: From Strategery to Tenawesome

After several long months drinking copious amounts of coffee and sitting in our birds nest, we’ve created the all new ELGL Strategic Plan. I can give you two words for how it turned out; tenacious and awesome. In fact it’s really one word; tenawesome. The formal unveiling will be live on July 1st and include … Continued

05.01.14 Pure Midwest with John McCarter

Midwest ELGL presents… the Local Government “Evening Buzz” Hello everyone! After taking a few weeks off to wrap up my final Semester at Oakland University I’m back for my final installment of Pure Midwest. As much as it saddens me to be leaving the place I’ve called home for my entire life I’m so excited … Continued

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