Tag: Tigard

Part II: Inside the Twitter Race – The Snowmageddon Edition

What is the Great Oregon Twitter Race?  Towards the end of 2013, Patrick Preston, Hillsboro public affairs manager, decided to issue a challenge to neighboring jurisdictions. They wanted to expand their social media presence and specifically focus on making their Twitter account more accessible and active. So they contacted other nearby cities and a competition … Continued

Part I: Inside the Great Oregon Twitter Race

The Starting Line Social media is being used by more and more citizens, and local governments are playing catch-up as we try to figure out how to use Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms effectively.  ELGL has published a few articles on the subject and saw an opportunity to share lessons learned from the “Great Oregon Twitter Race.” In this … Continued

Josh’s Job Search 2.0 Finds Ina Zucker, Metro Council Policy Manager

This is another installment of an ELGL original content series titled “Josh’s Job Search 2.0” by Josh Halladay.  Halladay is sharing career advice that he is receiving in informational interviews. For more career resources, attend The Employment Lowdown with Jessica Williams, Mac’s List and Prichard Communications on November 13. Vitals Ina Zucker Council Policy Manager, Metro … Continued

Knope of the Week: Bill Monahan, City of Milwaukie, City Manager

American City & County Magazine Highlights Knope of the Week What is the Knope of the Week? It’s ELGL’s way of recognizing an individual or group of individuals who have excelled in promoting the public sector. Recipients may come from the public or private sector and are nominated by ELGL members. Recipients receive an incredible amount of recognition … Continued

Four Score and Seven Years Ago…..ELGL Founding Fathers

The mention of the ELGL founding fathers in this week’s Knope of the Week post has generated interest in who else  was at the inaugural ELGL meeting at Oswego Grill on September 14, 2010. We have your answer below along with the organization each person was with at the time. There was no speaker at the … Continued

ELGL Hosts Rob Cornilles on January 5

Rob Cornilles, candidate for U.S. Congress for Oregon’s 1st congressional district, will speak at a special Emerging Local Government Leaders (ELGL) meeting on January 5, 2012 at Café Allegro in Tigard. We will limit the audience to the first 50 ELGL members who RSVP.  You can RSVP to oregonelgl@gmail.com. Non-ELGL members will be allowed to … Continued

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