
Triple Aim: Washington Health Exchange’s Single Focus……Make It Work

Note from ELGL: The ELGL website and social media outlets were abuzz last week about Josh Schultz’s article comparing the health exchanges in Oregon and Washington. ELGL asked that Josh follow up on the article by contacting top officials from Gov. Gregoire’s administration who were responsible for the Washington exchange.  In the below article, Josh … Continued

Triple Aim: Cover Oregon vs. Washington Healthplanfinder

This is another installment of an ELGL original content series titled “Taking Triple Aim on Health Care” by Josh Schultz. Josh is a Client Services Associate at Medicare Rights Center, New York [youtube]  Cover Oregon vs. Washington Healthplanfinder By Josh Schultz Published April 21, 2014 | Updated April 29, 2014 Obamacare enrollment is closed in … Continued

04.03.14 Pure Midwest with John McCarter

Tigers’ famous ‘singing hot dog man’ benched for Opening Day     Welcome to this week’s Pure Midwest. Spring has sprung, baseball is in full swing and the end of the semester is in sight! This week we take a look at age restrictions on police officers, taxes in Michigan, and super-powered transit agencies. Put on … Continued

Life as a City Manager’s Child with Mary Van Milligan

This is the second post in a new series about growing up with a parent who is also a City Manager. We will interview a current local government professional who followed their mother or father’s footsteps into public service. For the first installment we interviewed ELGL Co-Founder and City of Tigard Senior Management Analyst, Kent Wyatt. … Continued

Strategic Direction: ELGL Strategic Planning Phase 3

ELGL staffer Dan Englund returns to bring you transparent information and witty commentary regarding the ELGL Strategic Planning process. This week, we’re talking Strategic Direction. Our environment is ever-changing and the future is unwritten, but we will be ready for it with an innovative strategic plan. Good things don’t come to those who wait; good … Continued

03.14.14 Pure Midwest with John McCarter

Greetings from Michigan; where two days after 6 inches of snow you can wake up to the sound of birds outside your window. This week we’re taking a look at tax breaks and economic development in the Midwest. The Book Review makes its triumphant with a look at Malcom Gladwell’s Outliers. It’s Pi Day, everyone. Even … Continued

03.07.14 Pure Midwest with John McCarter

A Quickly Expanding Midwest ELGL     Apply for Midwest ELGL Advisory Board by Monday After a week off celebrating Spring Break ’14 grad school style (in the library) we’re back with another installment of Pure Midwest. This week we talk zoning violations, City Council rules and get real about what internships mean to young professionals. … Continued

Josh’s Job Search 2.0 Finds an End

The End Josh’s Job Search 2.0 has come to an end.  I am happy to report that I have found a temp job working as the Development & Special Events Associate for Camp Fire Columbia.  Camp Fire is a community based nonprofit in Portland Oregon with a mission to build caring confident youth and future … Continued

Local Government’s New Normal with Scott Lazenby, City Manager of Lake Oswego, Oregon

Balancing community aesthetics/environment and individual private property rights; shifting project work during the recession; planning for boom/bust industries; MPA “Lite” University; economic development is maybe not so tangible; and why student loans should be illegal — this is Local Government’s New Normal in Lake Oswego per Scott Lazenby, Renaissance Man and LO City Manager. The … Continued

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