Category: Awards

Local Government WMBE Connector Program

ELGL and Power Almanac are working together on a pilot program for 2020-2021 to provide support and resources to women and minority owned business enterprises (WMBE) serving local governments.  Through this program, qualifying WMBEs serving local governments will receive a one-year  free “Power 15” subscription to the Power Almanac database. The Power 15 subscription includes … Continued

The Makings of Award-Winning Local Government Vendors

This blog post is by ELGL member Steve Abdalla with Power Almanac. Connect with Steve on LinkedIn! What separates a truly great local government vendor from the pack?   Naturally, your product or service needs to be a hugely positive impact.   But what kind of impact?  On whom? And it turns out that, while … Continued

2020 Haverford Award Nominations Now Accepted

The ELGL Haverford Award celebrates the top companies that work with local government. We often say “we’re all in this together” and that mindset shapes the way we work with the people who work in the private sector. We don’t differentiate between our members who work for local government, from people who work with local government. When local government … Continued

#ELGLTraeger Word Cloud

We asked the nominators to use three words to describe the person they nominated for an #ELGLTraeger award. Here’s a word cloud of the 300 words used to describe this year’s list. Top words: passion, innovator, leader, visionary, dedicated. Yup – sounds about right!

#ELGLTraeger: 1-10

These ten Traeger Award winners represent everything that’s good in local government. Join ELGL in celebrating their accomplishments, and connect with them on Twitter and LinkedIn to learn from their expertise. ELGL and Zencity are proud to honor these ten leaders with a Traeger Award! The Top Ten Traeger Award Winners are invited to keynote … Continued

#ELGLTraeger: 11-20

These ten Traeger Award winners represent everything that’s good in local government. Join ELGL in celebrating their accomplishments, and connect with them on Twitter and LinkedIn to learn from their expertise. ELGL and Zencity are proud to honor these ten leaders with a Traeger Award! Meet all the Traegers! #21-30 #31-40 #41-50 #51-60 #61-70 #71-80 … Continued

#ELGLTraeger: 21-30

These ten Traeger Award winners represent everything that’s good in local government. Join ELGL in celebrating their accomplishments, and connect with them on Twitter and LinkedIn to learn from their expertise. ELGL and Zencity are proud to honor these ten leaders with a Traeger Award! Meet all the Traegers! #31-40 #41-50 #51-60 #61-70 #71-80 #81-90 … Continued

#ELGLTraeger: 31-40

These ten Traeger Award winners represent everything that’s good in local government. Join ELGL in celebrating their accomplishments, and connect with them on Twitter and LinkedIn to learn from their expertise. ELGL and Zencity are proud to honor these ten leaders with a Traeger Award! Meet all the Traegers! #41-50 #51-60 #61-70 #71-80 #81-90 #91-100 … Continued

#ELGLTraeger: 41-50

These ten Traeger Award winners represent everything that’s good in local government. Join ELGL in celebrating their accomplishments, and connect with them on Twitter and LinkedIn to learn from their expertise. ELGL and Zencity are proud to honor these ten leaders with a Traeger Award! Meet all the Traegers! #51-60 #61-70 #71-80 #81-90 #91-100 Martha … Continued

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