Tag: Featured

#ELGLBookClub Explanation

ELGL is hosting an #ELGLBookClub on March 5 at noon EST. Here’s all the information about how you can participate! I want to participate! What should I do? Buy the book. Read the book. Listen to the GovLove episode with Andrew. Stay tuned for a blog post with draft questions for the discussion. Log on … Continued

Intersection of Faith & Public Service: Bless Like A Champion Today

In the series, ELGL members talk about how they balance their personal faith with their public service careers. By Gabe Reaume, City Manager of Saginaw, Texas  The Beatitudes are a series of statements about people that Jesus of Nazareth shared in the early verses of the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 5. The Beatitudes are practical … Continued

Flint: A Lesson in Government Failure

With criminal charges for three government officials announced this week, this timely post was written by guest writer, Katherine Shor, who is the Food System Finance Program Assistant at Self-Help and the Organizing Intern at Food & Water Watch North Carolina. She earned her BA in Public Policy at UNC-Chapel Hill and is passionate about environmental justice. By: Katherine … Continued

#FBF: ELGL at NYSAC talking #13Percent

Conference Flashback – ELGL at NYSAC talking #13Percent by Sarah Hazel (LinkedIn and Twitter) This September, Southeast ELGL members, Brittany Bennett and Sarah Hazel headed north to beautiful Lake Placid, New York to the New York State Association of Counties Conference to talk #13percent with their members – elected and appointed county officials. Brittany and I … Continued

The Case for More Racially Diverse Public Service Leaders

The Case for More Racially Diverse Public Service Leaders by Deepti P.  I remember exactly how it felt when I was staring at the piece of paper prompting me to write down that number. I paused. I looked around. Was anyone looking at me? Why do I have to do this? Writing down the eight digits … Continued

Engaging Women in Public Service – The Download

Engaging Women in Public Service – The Download By Sarah Hazel Wow. It has been three weeks since a couple hundred professionals descended upon Chapel Hill to discuss how we can promote and engage women in public service leadership at the School of Government’s Engaging Women in Public Service Conference. The ELGL team had an … Continued

#13Percent: Stay Hungry

13 Percent: Stay Hungry by India Adams, City of Tacoma, WA (LinkedIn and Twitter)   Last October, I was asked to serve on a panel titled, “What the Young Guard, Can Teach the Old Guard” at the Virginia Municipal League 109th Conference.

What’s Your “E?”

One of the top questions we get about ELGL is, “what does the “E” in ELGL stand for?” Well… everything. When ELGL first started, it stood for “emerging” because we wanted to scratch that itch regarding preparing the next generation for local government leadership.  

Race & Politics in Oregon

Last week, ELGL had the chance to attend a happy hour presentation on “Race & Politics in Oregon.”  The information shared by DHM Research was fascinating, and they’ve agreed to share it with ELGL! 

That You Do for Me, Without Me, You Do to Me

We continue exploring the lack of racial diversity in the local government. Katie Babits, City of Eugene, OR, shares her perspective and lessons learned from a recent TED Talk. You can contribute to the series by signing up here to blog.

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