“Know before you go:” that’s our philosophy with ELGL events. We’re profiling our awesome attendees for #ELGL19 in Durham so you can connect with fellow attendees before the best local government conference in the world, held May 15-17, 2019 in Durham, NC. Register today!
Natali Betancur
Finance Business Manager at Mecklenburg County, NC
What is the most local government-y thing you have done on vacation?
When I worked for the Fire District, I would look up the area’s fire stations and drive by them to find differences and get ideas.
If I was booking the guests for the GovLove podcast, I would book…
Simon Sinek
If you could only have wine OR chocolate for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
Definitely wine! I’m not good with the sugar “crash” and wine tends to bring out my creativity.
What’s one thing you want to do/see when you’re in Durham?
I would love to visit the Duke Lemur Center again. I remember my last experience there and I absolutely loved it!
#ELGL19 will be a success in my book if this happens:
I am new to North Carolina. If I get to know at least a handful of like-minded government leaders that I could connect with on different initiatives. That would be a win in my book!
Who is your mentor?
A government official that guided my career since I was in my early 20s.
What’s the most interesting thing you’re working on right now?
A Department-wide transformation. Changing from a routine government support agency into a strategic and innovative business partner.
What’s your pet peeve?
Negativity and people who gossip.
Other #ELGL19 Attendees:
- Nicolette Brennan from Cape Girardeau, MO
- Susan Barkman from Aurora, CO
- Ashley Monroe from Iowa City, IA
- Coty DeArmond from West Covina, CA
- Brian Murphy from the UNC School of Government
- Brian Platt from Jersey City, NJ
- Andrew Brown from Buffalo Grove, IL
- Shannon Mills from Pinellas County, FL
- Mariel Klein from Durham, NC
- Louise Wyatt from Albemarle County, VA
- Graham Rothrock from Guilford County, NC
- Sharon Gavin from Sammamish, WA