ELGL and GFOA have partnered on several on-campus #ELGLInspire events, designed to inspire students to pursue local government careers.
#ELGLInspire is a unique program that inspires students to pursue local government careers during a half-day learning opportunity, hosted for students with partner organizations.
In the Fall 2020 school year, #ELGLInspire events will be conducted virtually using interactive online software.
Sample Event Agenda:
This is a sample agenda. We will work with each #ELGLInspire location on dates, times, timing, and speaker selection.
Noon - Arrive, check in, catered lunch
12:15 - Welcome from ELGL & Sponsor Organizations
12:30 - Quick Fire Presentations From Local Government Practitioners
These are fast-paced, four minute presentations about the challenges and opportunities in each sector of local government. Topics include: environmental services, finance, fire/EMS, innovation, libraries, planning, recreation & parks, elected leadership, management, public safety.
1:30 - Small Conversations With Local Government Practitioners
We'll use online breakout rooms for students to learn from the Quick Fire practitioners in a small group setting. Students can join new breakout rooms to meet with new contacts.
2:30 - What’s Next? Pursuing A Local Government Job or Graduate Degree
This moderated session includes panelist discussions on career paths, as well as the chance for audience questions. Sample panelists include younger career local government practitioners, MPA program representatives, and sponsor organization representatives.: